lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009
A chat with tiago from The Outs Of Outland!
These are some of the things he said to me:
Tiago: "Well... we recorded the EP in a studio called Rock Together in São Paulo"
Adrián: what was crossing your mind when you get to sao paulo to record?
T: " was amazing to know we were going to finally record something with very good quality.We had one week to record so we needed do it all kinda fast.
First day was drums, second day: bass, third day: the rest of the bass and acoustic guitar, fourth: electric guitar, fifth : voice, tambourine and harmonica.
In fact less than a whole week. (lol)
It was monday to friday. So was amazing perhaps I was worried"
A: Like i told you it would be, lol...
T: "Yees. But it was a good feeling while recording...the problem was when we recorded the bass...we didn't have time to record the bass in one day so we had to record the other day
so I got worried. But it all went well "
A: But the songs we're done before the sessions or during them? I'm guessing dennis had the music already...
T: "Oh yes..we already made those songs before going to São Paulo
We had around 15 songs to show people and choose 4.
Long Sweet Lullaby is the newest of the EP. It was made in december/january, Melodies by Dennis and lyrics by me and Gabriel(bass player).
Sing right now is kinda old... Little Man was made some months after sing right now. Forgot when we made Bright new Rainy day (lol). Sing Right now melody was made by me and Dennis, Lyrics by me. Bright New Rainy day melody was made by Dennis and lyrics by me, Dennis and Gabriel. Little Man melody was made by me and dennis too, lyrics by me."
A: And why did you guys choose those songs?
T: " was a hard decision...
We were with the idea of making something related to Oasis. Cause we have a big relation with the Oasis public. So Long sweet Lullaby came in, apart from being a good song in my opinion.
Little Man and Sing Right Now were chosen because they are different songs, Little Man for having a blues style, and Sing right now for having a mix of blues and funk which makes the song very charachteristic."
A: Very eclectic...
T: "lol...we don't care so much about the lyrics, so I don't think they are top quality but I can say they fit the songs. Oh yee ... Bright New Rainy day was chosen because every record needs a calm song, so the EP wouldn't get boring. You can listen to it and not get tired easily."
A: Yeh i know that by my own hand ...
T: "lol! yes..."
A: Or in this case ... ear (lol)
T: "lol, yee, some people from my family asked 'are there 3 songs in there?'
lol, soo... it's like there are less than what they heard.
The idea of the EP is making people not tired of it."
A: Is there any plans to record other songs soon?
T: "Hmmm..we we have to know how...we'll try to record some songs in a friend's house... But we don't know if it will be in good quality.
Now that we started recording in a good quality studio we need to do things well from now.
We're trying to get public enough to get some shows... so we can probably record in a good studio."
A: I know it's hard sometimes to get somewhere to play
because they're all like 'you better play like this or do this or that'
and it's annoying most times, and frustrating...
T: " lol... ye.. .there's always the bad comments... but I guess there are more good comments than bad comments. It's always better playing in small places when not famous.. we don't have good instruments to play in live.
A: ...A friend have just bought a Gibson Les Paul and he doesn't use it at all.
And my sister's boyfriend has a telecaster, and he doesn't use it either
oh the irony!
T: "...lool , Whyyyy?? tell him to give us! we're needing it! "
A: lol... I need them too, it makes me freak out that this kind of things happen.
T: "lol..yeeees!!! Those who need don't get!
that's horrible! "
A: Yeeh!
T: "We'll put an account to people put money in our myspace
those who think we deserve can send us money
so we can get the things we need to play
lol, but as we're not a famous band I think we won't get so much"
A: lol... well ... Who knows?
T: "lol, yeee, who knows?"
The rest of the talk is just a typical MSN talk. lol.
-Adrian M.
domingo, 29 de marzo de 2009
"The Outs Of Outland! - Maybe Pleasing EP"
"The Outs is a brazilian band originated by Tiago Carneiro and Dennis Guedes. They used to and still play covers of bands like Oasis,U2,The Beatles,Kasabian,Radiohead...You can check it on their profile on youtube: dennisout15. After around 1 year and a half (march 2007) the boys found the bass player (Gabriel Nery) and in july of 2008 they met the drummer (Rodrigo Artes). In october of 2008,Tiago and Dennis won an Oasis contest which people were told to send videos performing the new Oasis songs without hearing them. Just reading the lyrics and the chords. They were chosen as first and third place by Noel Gallagher and the NME promoter Conor McNicholas. They'll be going to London on Wembley Stadium to watch Oasis play. In january of 2009 they went to São Paulo to do their first studio own record, an EP, which was in a studio called Rock Together. 4 tracks were recorded and the name of the EP is "Maybe Pleasing". The song Long Sweet Lullaby was specially in tribute to Oasis. The 3 other songs of the EP will be available here soon! "
The song 'Long Sweet Lullaby' was released as a single in Brasil three days ago (26th march 2009) and you can hear the song on their myspace. The others songs' name are: 'Little Man' , 'Bright New Rainy Day' and 'Sing Right Now' ad you can hear a preview of them in youtube , <--- there you have enjoy your listen and wait till the songs are published on their myspace to hear the complete songs. The lyrics for 'Long Sweet Lullaby' are : If we don't leave right now we'll never go home
The sun wants to shine but it never belongs
Feel the light
See the precious sight
If we don't leave right now you'll be left alone
Have in mind that you're not on your own
It doesn't matter if you're right or your wrong
Throw the dice
See what the future hides
Some secrets aren't meant to be known
Sing me a long sweet lullaby
Can I see the future in your eyes
Or you still have something to hide?
Throw the dice
See my paradise
If we don't leave right now you'll be left alone
You'll be left alone....
Have in mind that you're not on your own
It doesn't matter if you're right or you're wrong
Throw the dice
See what the future hides
Some secrets aren't meant to be known
Sing me a long sweet lullaby
Can I see the future in your eyes
Or you still have something to hide?
If you don't leave right now you'll be left alone
You'll be left alone...
I really liked the songs and I think they have a great future, they're very young and very nice people, though I've only talked with Tiago, so i recommend you to go and check them out , they're pretty good =D
Later... Adrián.
Strange Way
…There’s something green about it, in a strange way, the same way my words get to you in form of memories, and yes, it’s such a strange way.
Something is aching inside but it just doesn’t bother me, and how this relates to my own reality interacting with the others’, it’s only a fictional truth, in a very strange way.
I doubt there’s an example I can give to understand the fiction that is my present time, but I couldn’t know if there’s a way, I bet is a strange one.
But that words I’m giving so many times, are they real? I can read them, I can hear them in my conscience. And when I do, am I bringing them back from being nothing but estranged words? If they’re back in present time, I’m only remembering and nothing more. Is it real? Well… It’s as real as I can get , or don’t you remember?"
-Adrián Martínez
miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009
Una entrada común ...
Pero bueno que se le va a hacer .
Ayer me pasaron unas historietas que haciamos en la secundaria Alex y yo y demonios... si que eran buenos tiempos jajaja!
Por cierto , encontre esta foto de esas epocas (lol)

martes, 24 de marzo de 2009
León's sky!
viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009
Warning signs
Take a finish line and make a new race,
Don’t use your mind, but your imagination,
Start in proper time and find the right place;
Make it a good night, make the conversation.
Look for the warning sign .
What make’s her smile?…
When it’s overtime,
Will she be mine? …
I’m in love and I’m in war,
I’m so high and I’m so low,
I’m so close and yet so far,
It’s so stuck and yet so flow,
I’m so high and dry,
But D’you know why?
Don’t ever wait for it , don’t buy it any promises.
You better come with it , you better set it lawless.
-Adrían M.
miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2009
It's not a fucking new band ! it's about clothes! What the hell does that have to do with Oasis breaking up? Are people really that stupid?
Hell... that's annoying, you know?
I honestly can't see anything bad happening to oasis because of this.
But hey! Let's all go mental about it and say it's crap and the end of the band huh?

Pretty green!
Question: Hey Liam! I've got a pocket full of pretty green, what should I be buying first?-
A guitar-
A tiger tattoo-
These Pretty Green clothes-
A new set of vocal cords for your live shows to make you sing like back in the 90's-
The fastest car on the market before you go berserk on that last line
I know Liam won't be reading this, but whoever does: given the chance to ask a normal question, Liam would have had a laugh too.
Y liam contesto así:
martes, 17 de marzo de 2009
Face Your Manga!

Tambien mio pero mas "mad fer it "
lunes, 16 de marzo de 2009

Born in 1976 (33 years old) Scott is a singer-songwritter from Wolverhampton, England. I discover this man's music before the last year came to an end when I was listening to Jeff Buckley in an internet radio station when in the artist alike section was this guy ... I first thought it was gonna be a boring listen into his music , but the moment I heard it , well... it blew my mind! (lol) .
I spent like three months trying to get his album and I soon found he has a new one coming out soon! Then some days ago I got the complete album in my hands (well , in my computer) and it does resembles a bit to Jeff Buckley and Nick Drake but it's also something very fresh and i would definitely say it's one of the best records of the second half of this decade .
Here's the tracklist: (the 'S' means it's a standout track for me.)
"Little Man Tambla Jam" – 0:39
"Dream Song" – 4:42 ('S')
"The Fool's Fooling Himself" – 4:01 ('S')
"Eyes Wider Than Before" – 3:36
"Blue In The Face Again" – 1:10
"Sweet Scented Figure" – 4:31 ('S')
"Passing Stranger" – 4:32 ('S')
"Prayers" – 3:15
"Musical Interval" – 1:11
"Still Fooling" – 0:22
"City Headache" – 4:59 ('S')
"Nylon Instrumental" – 0:19
"Elusive" – 3:42 ('S')
"Earth To Calm" - 4:17 ('S')
"White Feathered Medicine" - 5:45
"Little Man Tabla Jam Part 2" - 0:34
"Bruno Finale" - 2:19