miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

Long story short.

Drowing myself in music. I don't really care if I had a choice. I've been squeezing my eyes out to the green screen, as sound waves wave me goodbye and echo through my egghead. And with this comes, some slowcore words and cheesy lines flashing me around. Words full of dullness, make me want to vomit but I have nothing inside to throw up. I like feeling miserable now and then, feeling like I could shout out that the drugs don't work and the troublemakers have won this match. I don't think you'd know, I don't think I'd want you to. Revisiting the sleepwalkers and the scarecrows, the purple mountains and the golden skies, DON'T WANT TO FALL INTO THE RAPTURE AND MISS THE GOLDEN PATH!!!!!

Long story short, this is a shit night.


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